
On behalf of one of our strategic partners, the Public Health Association of BC (PHABC), we would like to share an opportunity for those interested in learning about the latest issues in public health, building your professional skill-set, networking with like-minded individuals and finding out how you can help foster safe and inclusive communities!

This two-day workshop will take place July 5th and 6th at four university campuses across BC. See the Save-the-Date below for more information about locations, pricing and registration.

If you work directly or indirectly on public health issues and health promotion activities and are interested, please register here. (link removed after event closed)

For this year’s theme of community safety and inclusion, PHABC would like to hear from you! What does community safety and inclusion look like in your community? Answer the question by sending a photo and a brief description, including the name of your community, to phanalyst@phabc.org.


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