
Your Health, Our Commitment

Strengthening public health to foster healthy and resilient communities.

Public health in BC matters to us all. It touches every one of our lives across our province and protects us from some of the biggest crises of our times. It is also ripe with opportunities to leave a legacy for the generations of tomorrow by: addressing determinants of health, advancing equity, driving innovative initiatives that deliver the evidence to support healthy public policy, and creating an effective and responsive public health system that will foster healthy and resilient communities.

    Nothing better illustrates the need for this than the COVID-19 pandemic. It arrived swiftly, bringing with it lasting impacts for everyone. It also heightened existing inequities for people already made vulnerable by systemic barriers to and determinants of health, such as poverty, criminalization, and colonialism. The gaps the pandemic exposed reinforced the need for a well-funded, proactive, preventative public health system, and demonstrated why public health matters to the well-being of everyone. The pandemic also demonstrated how certain population groups are at higher risk during emergencies, and that there are undeniably complex intersections across critical areas such as substance use, mental health, and climate change.

    Please read more about this campaign’s innovative projects below.

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    Key Projects

    Your Health, Our Commitment incorporates the following projects designed to meet the unique challenges facing diverse and harder to reach people and communities. Each one is empathetic, supportive, and targeted to create real, lasting change. 

    Certain population groups are at higher risk during emergencies.

    The toxic drug poisoning crisis is a primary example of this, given its tragic impact on people facing inequities and injustices. Likewise, youth mental health, which affects one of our most vulnerable populations, worsened prior to the pandemic and then intensified due to the immense social disruption caused by the pandemic at a critical developmental time for youth. Moreover, the increasingly devastating effects of climate change across BC due to extreme weather events are impacting Indigenous Peoples particularly, whose relationship with the lands, water, and all living creatures is central to their health, well-being, and resiliency.

    This is why our Foundation has launched the Your Health, Our Commitment campaign, which is focused on learnings that advance long-term resilience and on supporting recovery efforts across all these fronts. Through proactive population health initiatives serving people and communities across BC, we are committed to rebuilding trust, adapting to and protecting all British Columbians from the challenges we currently face, and looking ahead to a healthier and more equitable future for all. To ensure that we stay true to this course, our work is deeply rooted in equity, anti-racism, truth and reconciliation, and social justice, and our commitment to Indigenous health promotion is grounded in genuine partnerships with Indigenous-led groups and communities.

    Funding for Your Health, Our Commitment will help pave the road for better long-term health and well-being for everyone in BC through engagement around crucial points of intervention that are top of mind for so many of us, including mitigating and adapting to climate change; addressing the unintended consequences of the pandemic such as youth mental health impacts; increasing equity for harder to reach populations; and supporting Indigenous health initiatives that advance truth and reconciliation and uphold Indigenous rights. With your support, we will continue to work proactively in these areas and respond to other needs as they arise, through solutions-based and evidence-driven initiatives.

    As a leader in public health philanthropy and the only charitable organization in BC actively fundraising for public health initiatives throughout the province, our Foundation plays a unique role in our work with our partners and communities across every region in the province.

    Interested in supporting this campaign?

    Your donation will support research and other population health activities and strategies designed to deliver long-term solutions for pandemic recovery, youth mental health, Indigenous health promotion, climate change, and emerging threats, and will help to protect the health of all of us, today and tomorrow.

    The Foundation is raising $1.4 million to strengthen the public health system so that it will be better equipped and able to respond to current and emerging threats to our health, keep people safe, promote positive well-being, advance equity, and foster healthier communities.

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