
Campaign Template

Your Health, Our Commitment is a three-year initiative focused on strengthening public health while we are in pandemic recovery, preparing for new challenges to the health of our communities, and fostering applied research that actively translates solutions into tangible activities that help us all to live better lives. Driven by public and population health needs, and guided by specific learnings that came out of the pandemic, Your Health, Our Commitment provides insight into:

  • Building an effectives and responsive population and public health system to support the generations of tomorrow
  • Taking proactive action on levelling the social determinants of health that lead to proper health outcomes in the first place;
  • Improving opportunities for health equity so that everyone can achieve their highest health potential possible, free from barriers and disadvantage. 
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Key Projects

Your Health, Our Commitment incorporates the following projects designed to meet the unique challenges facing diverse and often underserved people and communities. Each one is empathetic, supportive, and targeted to create real, lasting change. 

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Ways to Give

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Support a healthier, safer, more equitable future for all.

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