
The Foundation is pleased to announce that it’s Scientific Advisory Board has awarded grants for three new projects: one in each category for workshop funding, travel funding, and one ‘Blue Sky’ research award.


Drs Gina Ogilvie and Mark Gilbert and their team have been awarded funding towards, “Supporting Regional Participation in a Collaborative Implementation Science Roundtable” to bring together knowledge users and collaborators with the (CIHR funded) GetCheckedOnline program for a two day meeting to review the research findings to date and arrive at a consensus regarding impacts of the intervention and to identify future research priorities of the team currently assembled, including a framework for an “implementation best practices tool-kit” to assist in translation to other jurisdictions.


Dr Muhammad Morshed has been awarded funding for “Presenting BCCDC Public Health Laboratory Research at AMMI/CACMID AGM”. This funding, as well as funds from two other sources, enables two of his lab team to present four abstracts on behalf of the BCCDC at the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (AMMI) / Canadian Association of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (CACMID) annual meeting.

Blue Sky

Dr Agatha Jassem and her team have been awarded funding for “Correlating Childhood Viral Exposures to Allergy and Asthma Using Novel Viromic Methods”. This pilot study will expand on previous work looking at known respiratory viral infections acquired in early childhood as potential contributors to allergy and asthma at age five. Advanced lab methods that can detect and characterize all known human viruses will be applied to samples from the Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development (CHILD) cohort and linked to clinical data on childhood allergy and asthma. The team plans to use this ‘proof-of-concept’ phase to develop a future large-scale investigation.

BCCDC faculty interested in applying for funding, be sure to watch your email inboxes in August: the next round of applications will be reviewed in October 2017.

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