The BCCDC Foundation is pleased to play a role on the UBC BC CDC Grand Rounds committee and in supporting research and continuing education at the BC Centre for Disease Control.

The UBC BC CDC Grand Rounds committee held its annual popcorn kick-off to the 2018-19 Grand Rounds schedule on Sept 11th in its temporary location for the coming months: the Hardwick Hall of UBC MSAC (Medical Student & Alumni Centre).

As an interesting start to the year, those present watched a screening of the award winning documentary “Resistance”  (with the blessing of the director and paid licencing for group viewing).

A synopsis:  Antibiotics were first massed-produced in the 1940s and their ability to fight and kill bacteria revolutionized medicine and profoundly impacted everything from agriculture to war. After less than 80 years, these miracle drugs are failing. Resistant infections kill hundreds of thousands of people around the world each year and there are now dozens of so-called superbugs each with its own challenges and costs. How did this happen? Using microscopic footage, harrowing personal stories, and expert insights, RESISTANCE clarifies the problem of antibiotic resistance, how we got to this point, and what we can do to turn the tide. You can view a trailer for the film here.


Thanks to @meenrz for the photos!

Upcoming UBC BC CDC Grand Rounds sessions will include talks on making sense of whole genome sequencing metadata, an update on the air quality health index for Vancouver, infectious diseases of the future, and machine learning/AI in public health, just to name a few.


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