
Our Foundation is incredibly grateful to our donors, for without them, we could not support the crucial public health initiatives that are needed to create lasting impacts in our communities.

Which is why we want to share our immense gratitude for one of our generous donors, TD Bank Group (TD). Through the Better Health driver of the TD Ready Commitment, the Bank’s corporate citizenship platform, they support research, technology, and innovative solutions that are focused on helping to improve access to equitable care, while trying to address long-standing systemic structures in health care. They support countless initiatives across their North American footprint aimed at increasing access to health education, screening, and early interventions that can improve health status.

We want to thank our friends at TD for their generous support of a program called Test, Link, Call, led by Dr Sofia Bartlett, the Interim Scientist Director Clinical, Prevention Services at the BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC). This innovative work supports people at risk for hepatitis and HIV who experience barriers to accessing the care and treatment they need due to poverty, unstable housing, or other determinants of health. This program is such a great example of how public health initiatives can improve the lives of people across our province.

Strong relationships with leaders like TD help us to develop a comprehensive and coordinated approach to addressing complex public health challenges. Together, we are helping build a healthier, safer, more equitable future for all.

In the photo from left to right: Grant Minish (National Manager, LGBTQ2+ Business Development, TD Bank Group), Nadine Nickull (Associate Director of Development, PPHF), Adrienne Wood (Manager, Community Banking Pacific Region, TD Bank Group), Maddie Mackenzie (Senior Marketing & Communications Coordinator, PPHF).

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