
The Board of Directors for the BCCDC Foundation for Public Health is pleased to announce the recent addition of Kelly Pollack to its membership!

Pollack Photo smaller Mar2017

As the CEO of the Immigrant Employment Council of BC (IEC-BC), Kelly Pollack is a Canadian leader in strategic initiatives to support the employer recruitment and development of internationally trained talent. She has a keen understanding of the economic and demographic drivers associated with global talent shortages, having worked at the intersection of immigration, labour markets and the economy for more than 20 years.

Kelly is an expert on employer best practices for hiring and retaining immigrant talent. Her leadership and consultation with hundreds of employers has enabled her organization, IEC-BC, to develop innovative online and practical tools for organizations to tap into international talent.

Kelly has worked with most major industry sectors in BC, including construction, hospitality and tourism, mining, LNG, manufacturing, oil and gas, post-secondary education, public administration and technology. She advises on the implications of how international mobility, migration and talent development have become a top human capital concern for most sectors and occupations.

We are excited to have Kelly’s passion and skill added to our team. For more information on our Board of Directors, please visit our website.

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