With the support of our donors and other partners, we are proud to have funded BC COVID-19 Surveys on Population Experiences, Action, and Knowledge (SPEAK). SPEAK was an annual survey that asks British Columbia residents to share their experiences with the COVID-19 pandemic. These population-level surveys provided valuable insight into the experiences of British Columbian adults early on in the pandemic (SPEAK 1), and then a year later (SPEAK 2).
At local, regional, and provincial levels, the surveys measured the populations’ perceptions of risk, the acceptability of the public health response and recovery measures, and the broader impacts of the pandemic. Over 580,000 British Columbians completed at least one of the two surveys. These timely data were critical to informing public health response to the pandemic in our province, and we’re thrilled to share that the research methods have been published in the Canadian Journal of Public Health.

We are committed to funding projects supported by evidence, and rooted in health equity. The Social Determinants of Health Model was used to inform SPEAK survey questions, allowing for valuable insight into the health equity needs of our population. Some of the results of the two SPEAK surveys showed that families with children, young adults, and people from lower socioeconomic backgrounds have been most impacted by the pandemic.
With the support of generous donors and partners, we have played a critical role in supporting BC’s COVID-19 public health response. Our newest campaign Your Health, Our Commitment is about applying lessons learned during the pandemic and capitalizing on new opportunities to prepare for emerging and future emergencies.
It’s about supporting recovery efforts and strengthening BC’s public health system to be ready for new threats.
It’s about mobilizing public health research findings for evidence-based and solution-oriented practice, policy, and decision-making.
It’s about identifying and delivering long-term solutions to address systemic inequities.
We invite you to learn more about Your Health, Our Commitment and how you can be a part of supporting BC through this next phase.

Once again, we’re thrilled by the publication of the SPEAK 1 and SPEAK 2 survey methods, we’re proud to fund this critical research, and through Your Health, Our Commitment, we’re energized as we think about rebuilding and reimagining a healthier and more equitable future for all. We hope you’ll be a part of this important next phase for our province.